I am sure I am not the only one who feels this way today, but it got the best of me. It started out last night, when Shawn had to go to the Stake Youth Dance. They require a member of the bishopric, a member of the YM & YW presidencies from each ward to be at the dance. A little extreme in my opinion, especially when you only have 5-6 youth in your ward, but whatever I am supportive. He called once and said there were more adults than youth and only one youth had come from our ward. I said, "It would be great to have you home, ask if you can leave." A little while later, he called and said he was required to stay. I sitll don't know why - I felt they were going by the letter of the law, not the spirit of the law. First, when you husband is gone 6 of the 7 nights of the week - life is hard. When he had already been gone that morning for the Primary Program Practice, the day was hard. It had been a long week and I was doing my best to stay of top of things, but last night I had no more energy - I had done too much laundry and dishes to last a life time.
So, I sat and watched Ella Enchanted on TV (waste of time!) Shawn go home around 10:45pm, the kitchen was still a mess from dinner, toys needed to be picked up, the house just definately was NOT ready for Sunday. We ended up going to bed and not doing any of it (which I blame only myself). This morning, Shawn had to rush off to meetings and the house was still a mess, but I decided not to let it bother me. I watched Finding Faith in Christ with the girls, then they were being nice, so I jumped in the shower and started getting everyone ready - we were doing good. That is where it took a turn for the worse.
Ali started screaming, Andie was getting into everything and I thought - ok, here comes the typical struggle to get to church on time! I got Andie all changed and ready to go. Gave Ali some gas drops (that seemed to be her problem) and then a bottle and she was in the swing eating. Andie was ready, looked SO cute with pigtails and was eating chicken nuggets (we have church at 1:00pm) I still had 30 minutes before we needed to leave to be on time. I ran up stairs to finish getting ready and thought, "Where is my ring?" So, I started looking all around. Ali was done and crying, needing to be burped. I rush downstairs, now loading the bags, getting the carseat out, etc., etc. I get her settled again and someone stinks! ALI was the winner, and had a blow out. Ok, by this time we needed to be leaving to be on time.
So, I quickly go get her a change of clothes (mind you running up and down stairs MANY times) Get Ali all changed, still haven't found the ring and thought, "Let's say a prayer." So, we prayed, I went upstairs one more time to look and then was going to "make up time" on the drive. So, I did, spent another 5 mintues and finally found my ring on the tracks to my closet door. Andie must have gotten it when I was in the shower and was playing with it. When I got out, she was standing right where it was, so I am sure she was trying to hide that she had it! RELIEF - we foudn the ring. I rush back down, Ali had spit up ALL over the front of her and I thought, Oh well, let's go. I had to run back upstairs to get a burp rag. When I came down I got Andie to put her shoes on and what did I find? She was SOAKING wet, the whole front of her shirt and dress! Sopping!! So, I finally give in and say, ok we are definately going to be late.
I run yet again, back upstiars try to find her another dress but could find no white shirts to go underneath them. So, I go back down and decided to throw it in the dryer for a few minutes. Meantime, Ali was playing on the floor and Andie was laying down. This time it is 1:00pm and I decided, ok, we will make it to the 2nd hour. The dryer was done, I look and to my surprise, Andie fell asleep on the floor and Ali was needing to fall asleep.
So, here I sit, it is 1:30pm - church is 25 minutes away, both of my girls are asleep and desperately need the sleep and my house needs to be picked up! It is finally quiet and not so chaotic, I have calmed down and blame only myself for not getting to church today. I decided it is much better for me to take a deep breathe, calm down rather than go to church frustrated, angry and get nothing out of the lessons. The girls should sleep for a while, so I can study and read the lessons on my own and hope that the day will only get better.
Thanks for reading my long post. Short lesson learned: "Saturday is a special day, it's the day we get ready for Sunday!" I think I need to go review those words. Also, I need tips of how to keep up energy and a positive attitude with a 5 month old and a 21 month old and with a husband who is rarely available. Hmm..."this too shall pass!" just not on my time table!
We are so blessed and it has helped to relieve my stress through letting you all read about it!