What a great conference. We were able to watch it from the comfort of our home! It was nice to have two full days with Shawn at home. The girls were really good, which made it easier to listen and pay attention to all 4 sessions! (5 for Shawn)

I loved President Uchtdorf's talk on Hope! I can't wait to get the talks and read them in November!
What was your favorite talk?
I sure loved President Monson's morning session talk today. The special on his life after morning session was so great. I'm not sure if you were able to see it where you are, but if you didn't catch it-try to see it sometime in the future. It was so inspiring and well worth it!
i loved the story on wirthlin's daughter in the blind date and babysitting
I loved Elder Cook's talk in the afternoon about trials and that Heavenly Father knows what you're going through. SO FANTASTIC! I love conference!!!
I loved president Monsons remarks about enjoying the journey NOW! Realizing that the laundry piles and dishes will always be there but that our children won't. It really made me reflect on those old Mormon ads where you just stop doing what your doing and you don't get mad over everything, you just play and listen to your kids and spend time with them, realizing that they are the most precious and special things that we have in our lives!!
My favorite was President Uchtdorf's RS meeting talk! Loved how he talked about "creating" and the phrase that stood out the very most (it went something like this...) "The number of prayers you say will have an impact on your life but the number of prayers you answer will have a greater impact." wow!
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