At the end of our almost 4 hour excursion - we had a stroller accident. We were headed up the escalator's to go to the car. I thought the wheels were clear and they were not. The stroller flipped (so the girls face planted) and I was trying to pick them up yelling for help. (being 8 months pregnant and trying to lift 75 lbs. is hard!! Fortunately Ali was completely fine, perhaps a little traumatized - but Andie took the beating. I felt so bad and still do - what a stupid mistake. To clarify, they were not on the escalator, they were face planted at the top.
Poor Andie is a little trooper. Her gums and upper lip are pretty swollen and she has a nice bump on her head. I haven't let her eat any solid foods - and hopefully no permanent damage has been done.
So - here are some pictures, in two of their new shirts. Avoid the last one, if you don't want to see her gums up close.
How is she doing now? Are her gums still discolored? Poor Andie!!! But super cute matching shirts.
OOHH! Sad. I'm glad you clarified that they weren't ON the escalator. yikes. but hey, they got some really cute shirts. Those girls look like they could be twins!
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