Monday, December 19, 2011


haha - this is the best picture I have of the girls together.  This picture was taken last Thursday - when it was an awesome 75 degrees out and felt like springtime!

We went to the doctor this morning for a well check-up with Andie and Adalyn!  I really wish I would have pulled out the camera for that, as all three girls were sitting up on the table, while the doctor was checking their heart, eyes and ears. 

Here we go!
Andie - 5 years old
Height - 44 inches (75%)
Weight - 42.8 lbs. (50%)

Ali - 3 1/2 years old
Height - 44 inches (yes - the exact same)  (off the charts)
Weight - 49.3 lbs. (off the charts)

Adalyn - 18 months old
Height - 35 inches (95%)
Weight - 27.2 lbs. (90%)

There you have it.  Andie is evening out.  Ali and Adalyn are still on the tall side of the scale.  They are all growing consistently, which is the most important.  So, even though Ali is just as big as Andie - she is consistent on the curve!


lillie said...

Yay Happy Birthday Andie! She is such a cute kid. You will have to remind her that she said you are her best friend when she is a teenager haha

lillie said...

oh p.s I like your new blog background-very cute & festive