June 5th was great!!! We headed out early at 5:50am for our scheduled induction at 6:00am of baby #3. We checked in at the registration desk and the girl told us our room number. She was SO excited, that she personally wanted to take us there and show it to us. It was her favorite room on the floor.

Needless to say - it was nice and BIG and quickly became our favorite room as well!

All hooked up and ready to go. I think this was around 4:00 in the afternoon. The day was FLYING by for me. I was anticipating only an hour had passed and 2 or 3 had. We got up and walked around a few times. I delayed the epidural a few hours by having a pain medication through the IV....it was nice.

Poor Shawn was freezing. When we walked into the room, it was nice and comfortable....for me. Everyone else was expecting it to snow. The temperature had been set at 50 degrees. I wasn't about to change it. When we walked in the hall, I asked, "Why do they have the heater on?" We would pass a vent and it really felt like hot air was coming out. I think that help in the whole day long process. Fortunately enough for Shawn, they had heated blankets. He kept wrapped up most of the day!

Adalyn came at 7:46 that evening. She was quick when it came time for pushing - she was out in just 3 small pushes. I was very happy with the whole day and very glad I was able to have a v-bac. As they were cleaning her up - I asked Shawn to hand me my phone so I could call Russia. They had about 10 minutes before church started...my dad answered and I told him he was a new grandpa. He passed the word to mom and said, "We're sitting on the stand waiting for the meeting to start" It was a quick conversation, but a very important one for me - thanks for answering dad, and thanks Shawn for dialing!!

All cleaned up with her tired yet happy mommy

Down to the nursery for her first bath.

One very happy dad!

Meeting Adalyn for the first time. Shawn brought the girls over on Sunday morning to meet their new little sister. They have been great with her and are so willing to get a blanket, blinky, diaper, wipes, burp cloth, etc. whenever I need it.

Shawn is such a great husband and father. He is running on very little sleep in the picture below. He headed home from the hospital around 10pm on Saturday. The girl's had already fallen asleep at a friend's house, so he left them there. He had only been asleep for about an hour when I called him in tears and asked him to come back to the hospital.
They had to put me back on the pitocin because I was bleeding too heavy and passing too many clots. So, they started the contractions back up...only this time - no epidural!! They were SO painful and often so I called Shawn to come give me a blessing. My wonderful husband, got dressed in his suit at 1:30 in the morning and came over to assist me. The nurses were so confused why he got "all dressed up" to come back in the middle of the night. Great Missionary Opportunity!
He ended up staying with me, sleeping in his suit. Got up at 7am to go get the girls, and brought them back to meet their baby sister. He then headed home, showered, changed suits and dropped the girls off so he could attend bishopric meeting and ward counsel. How blessed I am to have such a dedicated husband - in every aspect of his life!! Thank You Shawn - I love you!

They both love their little sister SO much!

Some of the MANY friends that came to visit in the Hospital. Thanks Guys!

Saying goodnight to mom and baby. Poor Andie - wasn't feeling well, we didn't know it at the time. She went to the doctor the next morning and her ear drum was about to burst. They got her on antibiotics, ear numbing drops and tylenol for the pain. She seems to be doing better.

Finally - here are some pictures of our newest addition to the family. We love her SO much - I love having a new born. They are so fun to cuddle!! Adalyn was born on June 5 at 7:46pm. She weighed 7lbs. 6oz. and was 20 1/2 inches long.
Ready to come home from the hospital.

She is sleeping SO well in the pack n' play.

Our ward members have been incredible....I don't know how I would have handled this week without them. Each morning, someone has watched Andie and Ali till lunch time - some later. They come home exhausted and BOTH have taken a nap every afternoon.

Her first bath.

Adalyn LOVES to stretch!

My friend Joy came over one day to help out. Poor thing - she asked what she could do and I made her sew. She finished some more burp clothes for me that I didn't complete before baby came. Such a great friend. It was so nice to have someone here to chat with and enjoy company. Joy - you were a HUGE help - THANKS!!

Thank you EVERYONE who has helped out. It has made recovery so much easier!!