Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Back to the Gym
It feels so good to do physical activity again - I love it!! Many of you may not know - but before I met Shawn (not that I am blaming him) I was an avid gym enthusiast! I usually went 5 days a week and was the most toned and skinniest I have ever been!! Ask my grandma - I lived with her during that phase of my life! I love the power pump class and lifting weights - I look forward to enjoying it for at least 6 more weeks while we are here.
The best of it all - I came home this morning from the gym and to my amazement and utter surprise Shawn had vacuumed, mopped the kitchen floor, loaded and started the dishwasher AND given Andie a bath! It was great!! Thanks Shawn - sure love ya and glad you are home with us for a few weeks!
OK - enough for now. :)
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Crazy Week!!
Meanwhile - I have been stuck at home with these 2 crazy cute girls all week! Thanks to my mom for picking us up a few days to hang out with her (or else I would have gone insane!) Who knows what I am going to do in Georgia without her!! So here are a few pictures from our week! Enjoy!
Andie is wearing her swim hat from last year! Goofy girl wears it all day - it is funny.
David and Liz came over swimming! It was lots of fun - this time David took a couple spills under the water - but he recovered well for the most part. below is a video of them playing! Sorry I am not the best at taking video. They have such a good time together!
Ali had an explosion and got the seat cover all "dirty". So it has been in the wash and is drying - which we are both sad. She misses her birdies and I miss being able to set her in there. She has had 3 poopy explosions today dirtying her clothes every time - Must be time to go up to Size 2 diapers.
Again, thanks to everyone who helped us have a great week and spending time with us. We will miss you all in 6 weeks when we move! Crazy how time flies!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Our Little Drew Buggy!!
Andie is not wearing a shirt because she wanted to feed herself applesauce! I was making cookies for our ward party so she got one of those as well! She was so excited!
Applesauce, String Cheese, M&M Cookie and Milk - what a great lunch!!
Oh well, she was entertained for a few hours!
I wore Andie out and she feel asleep right in the middle of the floor in the living room! Don't you love her position!! Funny Girl! She woke up with a fever of 102.9 and didn't feel good the rest of the night - later we discovered an eye tooth came through! YEAH!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Talking Their Own Tune
OK - I am very biased, but I love Andie's secret language and I finally got it on camera. It is a little hard to hear, but if you listen closely you will experience the joys I have on a daily basis. You win a prize if you can interpret what she is saying.
Sorry, it is sideways (can't figure how to rotate it) but she is still cute!! Poor little girl had the hiccups, but she is starting to talk (well coo) and smile a lot more. Already 2 months old!! CRAZY
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Tag - I'm it!!
One-Word Tag from Natalie
1. Where is your cell phone? Who Knows (Andie)
2. Your significant other? Shawn
3. Your hair? blonde
4. Your mother? Teri
5. Your father? Mike
6. Your favorite thing? Children
7. Your dream last night? Random
8. Your favorite drink? Koolaide (at the moment)
9. Your dream/goal? Happiness
10. The room you’re in? dinning
11. Your children? Adorable
12. Your fear?
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Utah
14. Where were you last night? Home
15. What you’re not? Sleeping
16. Muffins? Ok
17. One of your wish list items? Movies
18. Where you grew up? Orem
20. What are you wearing? Pink
21. Your TV? Disney
22. Your pets? gross
23. Your computer? Love It!
24. Your life? GREAT
25. Your mood? On and Off
26. Missing someone? Mom
27. Your car? Green
28. Something you’re not wearing? Jewerly
29. Favorite Store? Walmart
30. Your summer? Moving
31. Like someone? You
32. Your favorite color? Pink
33. Last time you laughed? Yesterday
34. Last time you cried? Hospital
3 Joys: (that was easy!)
* Shawn
* Andie
* Ali
3 Fears:
* Spiders
* Not having enough money to pay bills
* going into debt
3 Goals:
* Sale our Condo
* Move to Georgia
* Enjoy Life Always
3 Current Obsessions/Collections:
* Keeping my house clean to show
* Charleston Chews and Sixlets
* Blogging
3 Random Surprising Facts about Me:
* I love to index (it is so addicting)
* I don't like to do dishes
* I can sing Nursery rhymes all day long (want to is another story! But I do it for Andie - she loves them!)
How to play tag. Copy and paste questions onto your blog and then personalize them. Tag people at the end of your post by leaving their names. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
I tag whoever wants to participate: (How About Cammie, Grandma T & Liz)