This is a hard image to see, but I am hoping you can make it out. Over the last few weeks, Andie has told me she "LOVES TO SPELL!" She is constantly asking me how to spell things. It's be great.
Well - WHO KNEW SHE COULD WRITE??? I bought a "trace the letters" booklet for her about a month ago, and still have not pulled it out. Today, I see her drawing on the magna-doodle and all of the sudden I see her name. WHAT? Who taught her how to write...no worries, it's self taught. Oh man, I felt horrible! I'm too busy, but am reminded once again - at least I can now help her fine tune it.
I think she did great for a 3 year old. If you can't see the list, from top to bottom, Andie, Ali, Dad, Mom and Adalyn.
She was so funny, after her name she said, "WHOA! Mom! I have a LONG N"
After mom she said, "uh-oh!" I looked over and she realized she had made the 2nd M a W - but she tried to fix it.
GREAT JOB ANDIE - I am so proud of you!! And yes - she spelled all of those on her own without asking! Like I say, she loves to spell!