Happy Anniversary to Us!!! Today marks our 3rd Anniversary. Can you believe it? I can't - it has ONLY been 3 years? I have 2 kids, live away from family and on my own...can it be? I think I will forever remember the days living with my grandma and the many conversations we had - Me:"I just want to meet someone, get married, start a family!" My Grandma: "Molly - ENJOY LIFE!! Relax, it will happen, have fun!" She was right - I did enjoy life and I am glad to report - I am STILL enjoying life. (Sorry Shawn - the scanner is not working, so I can't put your picture up - mine were already on the computer!)
Our morning started out just right, we got up at 6:00am, read our scriptures, did Tae Bo, had breakfast, made lunch, had family prayer and Shawn was off to school. He gets to go to mutual tonight too!
We did celebrate on Friday night. We went and saw the new James Bond movie in the $1 theater. We exchanged gifts on Saturday. I got the movie "Mamma Mia!" and Shawn got 2 new ties to go with his new blue pinned striped suit! (We got that a week or two ago, found a great deal!)
So - what has happened in the last 3 years? We had our first baby....
Ha,ha!! Just kidding! Made ya look! We are VERY happy with our 2 kids!! We love life and are enjoying every moment! Thank you to all who have been a great support to us throughout the years (few, but significant!) We love you all and hope everyone has a great day January 20th - I know we will!!
Happy Anniversary you two! It has been a busy 3 years! Congratulations, hope you have a great day, we love you all!
That was a funny joke Molly!! Congrats to you and Shawn! Time does pass by fast.
What a beautiful bride you were Molly! Happy Anniversary!
LOL! you are too funny. I loved your post, and your wedding photo was beautiful!!! I also loved your conversation with you grandma, isn't it amazing how much they know what they're talking about? Happy Anniversary! I hope that you have many many more to come :)
Happy 3 years! You almost had me with your "pregnancy announcement"! Ha ha. Love it. I too, love your bridal portrait. So beautiful!
Congrats!!! How was the movie? Yep, you got me on the 3rd child.... :) Happy anniversary!
Good twist!!! Now you know for sure that we all really do read your blog. Happy Anniversary Molly & Shawn. Wow to go 3 years!!
Happy Anniversary!!
So beautiful and you still are! I miss you and going to lunch and counting down the hours till work was over! You need to come back and visit soon! I was so excited for you, for two seconds. Good joke, but there is a story I know, that involves a wolf and a little boy... :)
Congrats on the anniversary. You looked so beautiful oon your wedding day-no wonder Shawn fell in love with you. ;)
We've been married for almost 7 and 1/2 years and still going strong. We've known each a lot longer that. ;)
can you imagine 3?!
Hilarious! I was about to call you shrieking, but then I scrolled down to see it was a joke. You're a funny one. Happy Anniversary! By the way, I know what you can do at the end of the month...come over!
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