Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas Eve Celebrations!

We had an eventful Christmas Eve. I made my first Turkey!! Let me tell you, the most disgusting thing I have ever done!! Pulling out the neck and the bag full of whatever! It broke and the liver, heart - I don't know what was falling into my hands as I was on the phone with my dad freaking out!! Thanks for talking me through it dad - but it was gross!! I was afraid I would never want to eat Turkey again! I did forget to take finishing pictures - but it turned out EXCELLENT!!! I even made homemade stuffing, which was divine!! (Yes, it includes all those turkey parts! YUCK! - but it makes it delicious!

Along with our turkey and stuffing, I made mashed potatoes, gravy, homemade rolls, spinach salad, pear jello and cheesecake. We also had corn and green beans. It all turned out so yummy. Why so much food you might ask? Well, we had invited the missionaries over who are our neighbors - 6 in all. We had a great dinner, followed by the nativity story and then some fun games.

Sister Shaw and Sister Chipman
Elder Willis, Elder Edwards, Elder Rasmussen and Elder HeapsWe had a great time with them all!
Broderick Family on Christmas Eve
The night ended with the girls opening their Christmas Pajama's! Thanks Grandma T!!
Andie was so excited that Ali got Minnie Mouse Pajama's - she wanted to wear them to bed. They kinda fit - it was funny!!

Such funny girls!! They are too cute!


Natalie said...

Wow... I'm not only impressed...I'm SUPER impressed! You live in the south now though... you'll have to make fried turkey next! Its DELICIOUS! You had quite the missionary Christmas! You are so great!
Cute PJ pics

Steph said...

I burst out loud when I read about your Turkey experience. I am so sorry the bag broke open. YUK!!

I have one grandpa that cooks that bag right up....ours heads straight to the trash!!! and again!!!!!! more exclamation marks.

I bet your dad laughed a little too after it was all over.

I am lucky - I have a husband that doesn't mind doing that part.

I haven't been able to read about you forever since our computer died and is now living again. Thank heaven